A group of specialists dedicated to helping business owners with all aspects of their company.

PA - Washington Crossing

Washington Crossing

Business Strategy Institute Faculty of Washington Crossing

Michael J. Schwartz


"I help my business owner clients plan for the single, most critically important financial event of their lives--the transition out of their business."

Whether we are working with a business owner, individual or family, we do things differently. This industry was built on a profile of salespeople who gave you a call when they wanted to sell you something. We touch our clients over 50 times a year. We snail mail or email monthly reports (four quarterly economic updates, two tax letters and a host of other timely subjects). We host four to six Client Education events (usually dinners but an occasional brunch) and two open client celebrations during the year.

This profession is made up of people who can decide what is printed on their business card. You can be a consultant, financial advisor, insurance professional, financial planner or a host of other names. While it is hard to speak in absolutes, some do nothing more than try to fit a round peg (client) into a square hole (product). At Schwartz Financial we take the time to listen, before we put together a plan that does its best to invest based our clients goals, values and objectives.

Schwartz Financial Services
1105 Taylorsville Road, Suite 321
Washington Crossing, PA 18977

Office: 215.886.2122
Fax: 215.886.6144




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